Saturday, February 28

Kekesalan apapun yang terjadi .
Kekecawaan apapun yang terjadi .
Terjadi karena sebuah alasan .

Pemikiran ini telah membuatku untuk lebih menerima keadaan yang terkadang tidak berjalan sesuai keinginan kita.
Mungkin kita memang perlu kehilangan sesuatu , untuk akhirnya dapat mendapatkan sesuatu yang indah .

Aku cinta hasil pekerjaanku .
Walau masih banyak yang harus kupelajari .
Aku bersyukur telah mempunyai sifat yang perfeksionis .
Jadi hopefully total hasil akhirnya.

Jangan lupa , Terus tunggu kedatangan diri saya , cinta saya , pelajaran saya .

Saya cinta kalian walau kalian benci saya . Orang-orang yang membenci saya , justru membantu saya untuk berpikir , introspeksi , dan akhirnya membantu saya dalam berkarya (ngatain para pembenci itu . hahaha)

Peace out,



SupeRGiRL is always on blame

I’ll at ease and frankly frightened , I sat in silence , withdrawn as far as possible from the other .
Here was I , alone ordinary girl , in the company of sinister-looking of races arrange to me .

Who would ever know what they had done ?
Who , indeed , would miss me or worry about my disappearance ?

They were blaming me-an ordinary girl-for ill fortune .

Saturday, February 21

SupeRGiRL is love them

Wish I'm in the middle of them. . .hahaha^^

SupeRGiRL is fast like an alim person

Yeah , like the picture above. . .
Today I don't eat any food , Im fast like an 'alim person' .
Every saturday me and all of Youth Mobile Crew and all of Children Ministry on GBIKA have to fast .
We called it 'Worship Together' .
We fast from morning until evening (usually) .
I usually eat at 6 pm .
Yup , that is so long time but I always like when eat time come because I eat in church with all of Youth Mobile Crew and all of Children Ministry. . .Actually with my honey bunny snuggle smuffle blabeb^^ .

In my church , if you have ministry , you must have fast every saturday .
It's for our ministry .
Fast make our spirit more fire than our body , so our ministry can be succesfull .

It's 12:50 pm .
6 hours to eat time .
Pray me luck in mt fast guys !

cheers ,

Friday, February 20

SupeRGiRL is malas kolala

Studying in vocational high school os like growing a mole .
Pointless .
I decided that I have no aim in being good student , do I look forward to the day I bask in glory when I receive a Bachelor in whatever .
I wish disgeting books were as easy as eating fried rice but frankly it's not .
At least not for me .
I've never been an avid fan of exams , aspecially getting grades , just like the cabbage at a market being valued by producers .
I fear of being that cabbage . . .
Finishing the last bit of exams felt like wading through a swamp , finishing the Final exams felt like that last breath in the marathon race .
Yes , I held my breath trough it all .
Then the end of vocational high school greeted me like a breath of fresh air . . . [so cliche] .
But no , I've had to duck my head in under the water again to search for something I can't really see . . . hmmm . . .

cheers ,

Friday, February 13

SupeRGiRL this month

Too much stress I went through around this month .
From the small things until the big ones .

Sometimes feels like wanna give up .
Damn it !
I just stand up with all the bullshitness .
Well ,
Hope tomorrow will be a better day .

And my big stupid mistakes ,
Sorry Bie , I wont do this twice . =(

A bit story about my school .
Some teachers make me sick with the task and test .
So sick .. =(

Some my tests are more than enough .
I feel satisfied .

For my honey bunny snuggle smuffle blabeb ,
thanks always be with me and hear anything I say

cheers ,

SupeRGiRL is

1. geez ... can't keep my eyes off from Lee joon kie
2. Like to sing without reason
3. Love my honey bunny snuggle smuffle blabeb damn much !
4. Will take a 'jutek' pose if badmood
6. Randomly forget where I put my stuff
7. Like a song from the music
8. Love to disturb people =p
9. Sleep in the morning or afternoon =D
10. Cry in the toilet =(
11. Love to loving someone
12. I have no piercing in my body
13. Still using my old shoe

cheers ,

SupeRGiRL want to know aja ...

Well ,

The things you need to know is :
1. I don't have that any cool guitars like gibson , paul reed smith , etc .
All I have is this lame guitar who'll always produce good rythm [Ithink so ...] everytime you play it .
2. I don't have any guitar class [omg , I'm so lame] .
3. Sometimes I want to upload my song , but there's one time when I play DISENCHANTED and ,
Person 1 said :
"Is that 'campursarii's song ?"
Person 2 said :
"are you play your guitar or just play with it ? !"


That's enough to make me doubt my music ability

So , pardon me if I did not upload my song yet .
Actually I do have some song ,
But It's not cool enough like some of my brother gallery .

cheers ,

SupeRGiRL can't take it

For now , i've had enough with everything .
I really hate it when my hardwork is not aknowledged .
I really really hate it !
No one will ever get this .
Right now , I'm in my worst phase of depression , where i'm about to fall a part .
It's hard to look forward right now .
This is the time where people could blame me for stupid reasons , could call me fucking slacker ot whatever , but the truth is I'm not .

I work my ass off .
Seriously working the whole time .
I don't have the energy and time to gain everyone else's symphaty by telling them my problems .
It's just a weak and worthless action to do .

The stupid 'lumpang' [baca:sariawan] won't go away , it has been infecting my mouth for 1 week already [nasty] , along with the other problems I have to face in this and the next following weeks .

I just want a fucking rest because I'm fucking sick .
But if I do , again they will call me slacker .

I tried to smile to my honey bunny snuggle smuffle blabeb who called out my name this morning .
I succeded .
But I realized how hard it was to lift and from that happy curve with your lips .

Sorry ,
Don't meann to make you sad YM crew .
It's just I'm really sad right now .
That I could cry anytime I want .
I've never been so phisically and mentally tired .
One word to conclude everything :


Again , I don't need your symphaty people ...

cheers ,

SupeRGiRL is ePh

ePh ...
1. lOve simplicity
2. is too too lucky
3. is a home person [since i've been school in vhs =( ]
4. is addicted to coffee
5. always want to escap from the routines to a bright sandy beach
and many more ...

cheers ,


Mudah sekali bagi seseorang untuk menciptakan musuh dari lingkungan sekitar .
Gampang banget buat njelekin sesuatu yang sebenernya ngga jelek [tapi gara-gara kita pingin ngejelekin aja] .
Ketika dipertanyakan kenapa orang-orang bisa ngelakuin hal itu , mereka bisa aja nyari 1001 alasan biar ngga keliatan salah .
Jawabannya bisa aja gini :
"Hak gue donk" ,
"loe aja yang terlalu ngurusin" .
Maka dari itu gue mau cuek aja lah .
Tertawa ...
Biar dia nanti jg capek sendiri ...



Sampai suatu ketika tu orang ngejelek-jelekin orang yang gue sayang .
Kalo gue yang di jelek-jelekin gue sih masi bisa cuek , tapi kalo orang yang gue sayang yang di jelek-jelekin ...

Seseorang bisa pintar berkelit kata .
Namun apabila dia menggunakan kepintaran itu untuk menyakiti orang lain , maka dia tak ada bedanya dari TONG SAMPAH .
TONG SAMPAH itu loh , tempat buat buang SAMPAH .

I love you all of my lovers and haters !
You guys have inspired me .
I need something like this to spice up my life .

cheers ,

SupeRGiRL love all !

Gue rasa gue mulai benci sama valentine .
Ngga tau kenapa , tiba-tiba benci banget .
Bukan karena gue ngga punya couo ,
Ato ngga ada yang ngasi coklat ,
Tapi nggatau aja tiba-tiba ngerasa valentine hari yang ngga perlu di rayain .

Secara ,
Hari valentine di kalender tuh ngga di warna merah jadi pas hari valentine sekolah tetep masuk .
Ngga ada makanan khas di hari valentine [buat gue coklat itu cemilan bukan makanan] .

Sapa yah yang nemuin hari valentine ?
Kok bisa tanggal 14 februari ?
Kenapa ngga tanggal 2 april aja ? [bareng gitu ma ultah gue … hahaha]
Trus kenapa namanya valentine ? kenapa ngga paijo ato apa kek gitu ?

Menurut gue valentine tuh Cuma hari di mana orang yang blon punya pacar pada nembak orang lain ato malah pada nangis tralala gara-gara ngga punya pacar .
And buat yang punya pacar , pada sibuk beli coklat , bunga , bahkan rela nabung setaon buat beli coklat valentine [gue banget … hahaha]

Tapi gue ngga anti banget kok ma valentine .
Gue juga masih ngrayain ,
Tapi yaaaa ngga berlebihan kaya orang-orang laen .
Gue Cuma ngrayain dengan ngadain open house , bagi-bagi angpau … [valentine ePh ! bukan imlek … =B]

Yaaa itu semua balik lagi ke kalian .
Terserah mau ngrayain ato ngga .
Kalo ngga punya pacar yaaa ngga usah sampe nyuri pacar tetangga ,
Apalagi nyuri ayam tetangga buat dipacarin …
Trus buat yang lagi bokek [bukan boker loh ya] , juga jangan maksain beli coklat ,
Apalagi kalo sampe meja skola kamu gergaji kecil-kecil bentuk hati trus kamu bungkus pake bungkusan coklat … mending kamu cuci dulu baru kamu bungkus trus kamu kasi ke pacar kamu [loh … ?]

Pokonya happi valz dai lah … !
Love you all … <3

Cheers ,

SupeRGiRL still sariawan

Gila , ni sariawan napa ngga mau pergi dari idup gue sih ?
Makin lama malah makin menjadi …
Menggerogoti mulut ini .

Berbagai macam pengobatan gue coba .
Sebenerrnya gue biasanya pake obat cina yang bentuk serbuk gitu ,
Tapi sialnya gue lupa naruh obatnya pula .
Anjink ! ni napa koneksi gprs gue jadi lambat banget kaya keong gini ?
Ngga konek-konek pula .
Mana brother gue ngganggu lagi …
Ash !

Balik lagi ke masalah per-sariawanan [kaya nama lembaga aja] .
Gue mulai Tanya ke temen-temen gue kira-kira obat apa yang bikin ni sariawan cepet sembuh .
Mayoritas pada bilang ‘garem’ ,
Bahan makanan asin yang kayanya bakal perih banget kalo musti di taro di sariawan gue yang indah ini [apanya coba yang indah ? ha ?] .
Trus ada juga yang bilang kumur pake air garem [garem lagi !] .
Haduduh , kumur air biasa aja rasanya kaya mau kiamat apalagi kumur air garem ? !
Bisa-bisa gue teriak merdu … hahaha .

Gue nyerah !
Tapi minggu depan banyak tugas yang ngeharusin gue menggunakan mulut .
Mulai dari nyanyi sampe presentasi .
Bisa kebayang kan gimana jadinya kalo gue masi sariawan ?
God , please help me =(


Tuesday, February 10

SupeRGiRL hate math !

today I had finished my math test .

5 essays .
number 1 , 2 , and 5 are easy but number 3 and 4 make me wanna scream !
rawr !

It's any lesson easier than math ?

all of my classmates do the test easily [except me ... hahaha]

finnaly , I had finished my math test with all of my 'aji-aji pengawuran' .
It's better than scrap my paper , leave my class , and take the 'ngegi' pose .

cheers ,

Monday, February 9

SupeRGiRL sariawan

sariawan . penyakit yg sumpah gue ngga ngerti drmna datengnya . tiba-tiba menggerogoti dalem mulutku . makan jadi susah deh ...
huaaa ...

tomorrow i have to finish my math course .
padahal blon belajar samasekali nih .
adakah mukjizat yang akan terjadi ?

tunggu jawabnya setelah pariwara berikut ini ...

cheers ,

Saturday, February 7

SupeRGiRL is getting married

yaaahooo ! gosip baru gosip baru kawan-kawan . waaah saya sekarang 'laku' . dreng derereng ... Saturday , Feb 7th it's so wonderfull night ! in our fav place , and with smile i like . yey yey yey ! i'm in love ! you give me the love i've desired since the first time we talked . love you sooo much , my honey bunny snuggle smuffle blabeb !

SupeRGiRL need some donuts

Shit !

You know what ?
Lot of donuts are running in my mind now .

Imagine it !

Chocolate topping ...
yummi !

need some donuts now !
rawr !

cheers ,

SupeRGiRL mengomel

Teknologi itu terkadang lebih merepotkan daripada manusia .

Ngerti ngga ?

SupeRGiRL’s self reflection

No. 1
To ignore someone means prepared for others to ignore you .

No. 2
Being bullied leads to bullying .

No. 3
Self-identity search require guidance .
Without it , get ready to turn yourself into a moth .

The biggest mistake is letting another mistake to come for the shake another learning .

No. 5
I don’t give 100% of myself to someone .
But I still need someone to rely on .

No. 6
The idea of immortaly confuses me .
We change , everybody changes , and all of those changes are called “the process of maturity and immaturity” .
It is our choice to end up being mature , or childish .

No. 7
‘speech’ is not a tool to measure’s one level of confidence .

No. 8
Kindness not always come from people we’ve been kind to .
I believe it will be come though .
Just in a different form .

No. 9
It started out so random .
Yet it has been quite magical you see .
Begins like a fairy tale-though slightly twisted .
So it should end like one .
Just let me be close .
To you , by your side .

I’m human , so I’ll try the best I can .
To keep my promise :
“’ll be there for you” .

Can you give me the love I’ve desired since the first time we talked ?
My wish for you to lean on me .
Allowing me to protect you .
To inhale and shield you from negativity .

Is it possible for us to be and stay togheter ?
Nobody has to know .
It’s just between you and me .
Us .
I don’t need a mighty knight guardian me .
I can do it .
To hold someone as precious as you in my arms .

It’s okay , we can do crazy stuff , but together .
Shit ! I so want you .
I so fucking want you !
Do you want me ?
How do you see me ?

Cheers ,

SupeRGiRL’s curcol

I don’t know why , but I think some people are just sooo blind .
That they keep callin me a playgirl .
Oh my God dragon !
Can’t you people start doing some research in playgirl community .
No offense to the playgirl community , but it’s just I don’t like being categorized into things I’m actually not involved in .

Also , just in case if any of you guys found an information about me dating two boy in the same time , it’s total bullshit .
I don’t ever go to grandmall with another boy except my boyfriend and my close friend , and I wil never dinner with strangers !!!
I don’t care with whats gossip .
But I do care when people start makin up statement I never make !

I’m fucking alone at home trying to finish my song , in the middle of my second day period .

Lemonade tycoon is getting boring and boring each day .
Need to buy another game .
I can be really nasty during this depressing moment …

I miss you :

Cheers ,

SupeRGiRL’s songlist

Yoho !

I just love creating new posts .
This time is about songlist .
Wooohooo !
Can’t remember the whole songlist I sang , but some were :

1. Tak bisa hidup tanpamu by d’ masiv
2. merindukanmu by d’ masiv
3. cinta sampai di sini by d’ masiv [do you think I realy love ryan ?]
4. journey by angela zhang [no ! I almost crying !]
5. disenchanted by MCR [yeah … I’m still trying to play the guitar like Frankie]
6. masih cinta by kotak [tik tik tik bunyi hujan … hahaha]
7. masih ada by ello
8. saat terakhir by st12 [kamu kamu kamu … gitu kan liriknya ?]
9. bizarre love triangle by frente [miss you ichug and dias =( ]
10. godai aku lagi by agnes monica [benar-benar menggoda ! hahaha]

and more …

cheers ,

SupeRGiRL’s Asian guys syndrome

Lately I always slept at 11 pm .
There are 3 reasons :
1. Finishing up my ministry and my homework [am I ? hahaha]
2. Reply SMS , e-mail , online friendster and chat in mxit [sometimes]
3. blogwalking and browshing

JC , I’ve been having this Asian guys syndrome .
And it’s getting wilder .
Gotta tell you , Lee joon kie is fucking hot !
HOT I tell you .
He’s have hot ‘eyes’ . hahaha .

Which make him look cool everytime .
I really need practice my mandarin .
If I ever have the chance to meet him , I would not want to spoil it with silence between us .
Learning mandarin is *crucial* .
Ok , this is getting phatetic here .
I’ll stop now . hehehe .

Cheers ,

SupeRGiRL’s long weekend

Gelo ! gelo ! gelo ! [ngapain loe teriak-teriak ePh ?]
Hari sabtu adalah hari terakhir yosephine pauline muaya pergi ke sekolah [buat minggu ini] .
Sabtu adalah hari produktif yang rencananya kita bakal bersihin computer [di cuci gitu ?] .
Setelah itu , no more no more school [walo Cuma buat minggu ini] .
Yey yey yey !
Gelo ! gelo ! [tu kan teriak-teriak lagi ? !]

Very very excited people ! =D
Skola is outta the way , and now prepare myself for weekend dinner with my honey bunny snuggle smuffle blabeb [yahhh bocor … pede abis loe ePh …]

Anyweiii , wish me luck peeps .
Can’t wait for weekend dinner !

Cheers ,

SupeRGiRL’s special day

Wednesday , January 7th

Today is my honey bunny snuggle smuffle blabeb’s beuh-dai !
Yey yey yey !
I’ll send you my kisses .
I’m so sorry , I can’t beside you now . huhuhu =(
But , wait for me darling , awww !

I’ll post more !

Love you my honey bunny snuggle smuffle blabeb … =*

Cheers ,

My second post !

Hai hai !
Long time no see … hahaha .

Di postingan yang kedua ini , aku Cuma mau thankful aja ma orang-orang yang punya peran penting di hidupku .

SupeRGiRL thanks to :
1. JC my everything . without you I’m nothing
2. all of my beloved family
3. my honey bunny snuggle smuffle blabeb *bill-the SupeRBoY*
4. YMCrew . let’s change our city !
5. CM IRA 1-5 . let’s giving our best !
6. all of my close friend
7. all people in this world

uda ah segitu aja , tar kalo kebanyakan dikiranya mau bikin album … hehehe .

cheers ,