Saturday, February 7

My second post !

Hai hai !
Long time no see … hahaha .

Di postingan yang kedua ini , aku Cuma mau thankful aja ma orang-orang yang punya peran penting di hidupku .

SupeRGiRL thanks to :
1. JC my everything . without you I’m nothing
2. all of my beloved family
3. my honey bunny snuggle smuffle blabeb *bill-the SupeRBoY*
4. YMCrew . let’s change our city !
5. CM IRA 1-5 . let’s giving our best !
6. all of my close friend
7. all people in this world

uda ah segitu aja , tar kalo kebanyakan dikiranya mau bikin album … hehehe .

cheers ,

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