Friday, February 13

SupeRGiRL want to know aja ...

Well ,

The things you need to know is :
1. I don't have that any cool guitars like gibson , paul reed smith , etc .
All I have is this lame guitar who'll always produce good rythm [Ithink so ...] everytime you play it .
2. I don't have any guitar class [omg , I'm so lame] .
3. Sometimes I want to upload my song , but there's one time when I play DISENCHANTED and ,
Person 1 said :
"Is that 'campursarii's song ?"
Person 2 said :
"are you play your guitar or just play with it ? !"


That's enough to make me doubt my music ability

So , pardon me if I did not upload my song yet .
Actually I do have some song ,
But It's not cool enough like some of my brother gallery .

cheers ,

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