Saturday, February 7

SupeRGiRL’s self reflection

No. 1
To ignore someone means prepared for others to ignore you .

No. 2
Being bullied leads to bullying .

No. 3
Self-identity search require guidance .
Without it , get ready to turn yourself into a moth .

The biggest mistake is letting another mistake to come for the shake another learning .

No. 5
I don’t give 100% of myself to someone .
But I still need someone to rely on .

No. 6
The idea of immortaly confuses me .
We change , everybody changes , and all of those changes are called “the process of maturity and immaturity” .
It is our choice to end up being mature , or childish .

No. 7
‘speech’ is not a tool to measure’s one level of confidence .

No. 8
Kindness not always come from people we’ve been kind to .
I believe it will be come though .
Just in a different form .

No. 9
It started out so random .
Yet it has been quite magical you see .
Begins like a fairy tale-though slightly twisted .
So it should end like one .
Just let me be close .
To you , by your side .

I’m human , so I’ll try the best I can .
To keep my promise :
“’ll be there for you” .

Can you give me the love I’ve desired since the first time we talked ?
My wish for you to lean on me .
Allowing me to protect you .
To inhale and shield you from negativity .

Is it possible for us to be and stay togheter ?
Nobody has to know .
It’s just between you and me .
Us .
I don’t need a mighty knight guardian me .
I can do it .
To hold someone as precious as you in my arms .

It’s okay , we can do crazy stuff , but together .
Shit ! I so want you .
I so fucking want you !
Do you want me ?
How do you see me ?

Cheers ,

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